The premium binoculars by DDoptics
SHG binoculars
42 mm lens, super high grade
The combination of the newly developed FLK glass, the dielectric coating of the prisms and the field flattener eyepieces achieve a completely new viewing experience characterized by unique color brilliance, contrast and brightness as well as a very high image resolution with sharpness of detail right to the outer edge.
HDs binoculars
42 mm lens, high definition
The high-point eyepieces produce a razor-sharp field of view right up to the edge. The Schmidt-Pechan prism systems ensure an incredibly bright and brilliant viewing experience. The little brother of the SHG binoculars also offers excellent quality with bright colors, good contrast and a generous field of view.
EDX binocular
30mm & 50mm lens
The unusual size of the EDX binoculars offers ornithologists and nature lovers true-colour, high-contrast and razor-sharp objects at a great distance. Light, compact and handy with an impressive performance with razor-sharp contours, vision and lots of light.

We believe in the power of sight
The key to the beauties of the world is hidden in our eyes. Our first episode is dedicated to seeing, our most important sense. The human eye provides over 80% of the information we use to perceive our environment. All other senses are subordinate to it. Our visual impression decides what we feel, what we know or think we know.