Night vision devices by DDoptics
There is no such thing as total darkness in nature. There is even still a lot of light (light particles) when we walk through the forest on a dark night. But we can't see that.
In night vision devices, these light particles (photons that are not visible to the human eye) are converted into electrons inside the picture tube. These electrons then hit a luminescent layer and are thus made visible to the human eye.

Invisible radiation at night
The moon, stars, artificial light sources from residential areas provide us with a real mix of invisible radiation and residual light. Light is transformed in the picture tube of a night vision device. Light particles, also called photons (not visible to the human eye), are converted into electrons inside the picture tube.
DDoptics Nightpredator night vision device
DDoptics installs Generation 2++ Photonis Onyx tubes or Supergen. These highly developed 2nd generation tubes from Western European production reproduce more vividly. The performance of a night vision device is determined by the performance of the image intensifier tube and the optical system consisting of the lens and eyepiece. A good optics manufacturer can avoid high performance losses here.